Root planing is a dental process that removes plaque (soft build up) and calculus (calcified plaque) from the affected regions of your pet’s mouth. Eliminating these irritants helps reduce oral inflammation and contributes to overall periodontal health.
Large-scale plaque buildup is a haven for harmful bacteria that contribute to periodontal disease and bad breath. Root planing and scaling “deep cleans” the tooth from the crown to the gingival attachment on the tooth under the gums – This is called Closed Root Planing. A curette or ultrasonic tool is used to remove harmful agents and stop the progression of gum disease.
Depending on the severity of the periodontal disease, scaling may be a component of a larger treatment plan that includes oral surgery- This is called Open Root Planing. In this process the gum attachment to the tooth has been broken down due to periodontal disease requiring a flap of the gums to be opened up to allow removal of infection along the root of the tooth. After the area is cleaned, the gingiva is sutured back in place in hopes of allowing gum reattachment to the tooth.
Scaling and polishing is relatively painless, but this procedure does need to be performed under anesthesia to prevent any trauma to the gum tissues and allow for a complete oral assessment.
To learn more about individual dental procedures and general oral health please contact Elevated Pet Dentistry today.